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Defend Yourself and DC AVP: Bystander Intervention Training

Last Date:

2000 14th St NW
The DC Center
Room 105

In this workshop, you'll engage n hands-on practice that builds on what you already know. We'll focus on: • A social justice framework for understanding the role of bystanders in interrupting oppression • Reasons to intervene when you see a problem, and reasons not to • Overcoming barriers to intervening • The 5 Steps of Bystander Intervention • 4 Tools for Intervening • And lots of practice! When you leave the training, you'll be more able to overcome the barriers to stepping up and have practical skills for doing so. We believe in building a culture of active bystanders through whose actions we reduce verbal and physical violence and oppression, while promoting community and respect. Get trained and equip yourself with ways you can play a role in stopping harassment and violence.  Lunch will be provided.  

Ward 1
Police District: 
Third District
Sam Goodwin