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Language Access Program

The Language Access Program, instituted by the DC Office of Human Rights, is dedicated to removing language as a barrier to obtaining information and services from the District Government. OVSJG and organizations, who receive funding from the office, have a duty to understand and fulfill these language access standards and responsibilities.You can view the full text of the Language Access Act of 2004, as updated in 2014, below.

DC Language Access Act of 2004

OVSJG is ensured with providing Limited English Proficient (LEP) or Non-English Proficient (NEP) customers, seeking access or to participate in the programs, services or activities, equal access to information in the language of choice. Click the links below to access more information and for the Language Access Reference Guide.

Language Access Act Regulations
DC Office of Human Rights FY21 Language Access Report
Language Access Toolkit
OVSJG Language Access Act Compliance Training
OVSJG Language Access Reporting Guidelines

Resources for the Public:
Language Access Information Portal
Know Your Rights: Language Access

1.  What if a LEP/NEP individual seems to need interpretation services and they refuse it?
If the LEP/NEP has refused this service and opted to rely on interpreter assistance by someone they have identified, the forms below are waivers that need to be filled out by both the LEP/NEP and the employee.

2.  What if the LEP/NEP individual assigned a minor to interpret?
Minors are not allowed to interpret. Language Line Solutions must be called, and LEP/NEP must receive interpretation service by a Language Line translator.

3.  What if I (employee) am asked to interpret?
DC government employees are not required to offer interpretation services and can refuse to do so, unless that employee is a certified bilingual staff. As Stewarts of the District, we encourage those that speak and understand another language to interact with the public. Language Line Solution is a free service provided to all employees and residents even if the employee can interpret.

4. What is the threshold number for my covered entity?
Every covered entity has two possible threshold numbers: either 3% of the total constituent population or 500; the actual number is the lesser of the two. To determine the threshold number for your covered entity, calculate how many individuals make up 3% of your constituent population and compare it to 500. If the number of individuals that make up 3% of your constituent population is less than 500, then that is your threshold number. If it is greater than 500, then your threshold number is 500.

Interpreter Services Waiver Form: 

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