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Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants

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Victim Assistance Network

About the VAN
The VAN, or Victim Assistance Network, is a collaboration of victim service providers in the District of Columbia. VAN members cross disciplines and victimization specific services. The VAN has members that are mental health and medical providers, legal service providers, advocates, and prevention specialists. Members serve domestic violence, sexual assault, child victims and youth, and human trafficking victims–any victim of crime in DC. 

Vision. The District of Columbia values the highest quality client-centered, best practices standard for victim services. The DC VAN strives to ensure that all victims of crime in the District of Columbia will have the opportunity to access justice as each victim defines it, achieve restoration, and access services in a way that is most comfortable for them.

Mission. The mission of the VAN is to facilitate a network of victim service providers in the District of Columbia that ensures efficient, victim-centered, and best-practices informed continuum of victim services in the District of Columbia, through a partnership between public and private stakeholders that is based on mutual respect, collaboration, and progressive policy and program development.
Governance. The VAN utilizes a cooperative/advisory governance model. OVSJG provides administrative support and works in collaboration with VAN committee leaders and members to establish overall goals and priorities. Committees select their own leadership structure and may have standing co-chairs or rotate members to serve in the position(s). Priorities and activities of the committees are established by its members. Committee leadership reports back to the VAN and keeps OVSJG apprised of their priorities and activities during the year.
Who is on the VAN?
The VAN is comprised of 70 victim service providers in the District of Columbia. Any victim service provider is may participate in the VAN.  

When are VAN meetings?
VAN meetings are generally held quarterly at 10am on the 2nd Friday in October, January, April, and July. All meetings will be held virtually unless noted otherwise. All meetings and participation in committees is open to all stakeholders.

VAN Sub-Commitees:
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion– Co-Chairs Indira Henard - [email protected] and David Steib- [email protected]
Mental Health – Chair Shanmarese Sims- [email protected]g
Community Outreach- Committee members will rotate leadership throughout the year.
Policy and Advisory- Co-Chairs Koube Ngaaje- [email protected] and Kelley Dillon- [email protected]

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