
ACP provides a legal substitute address for eligible DC residents to maintain the confidentiality of her or his actual address.

Claims for Compensation for Unjust Conviction and Imprisonment

The District of Columbia’s Hospital-based Violence Intervention Program (HVIP) provides services to individuals, and their families, who have experienced a life-threatening intentional injury.

The District of Columbia’s Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) is a multidisciplinary group composed of agencies and organizations that provide services to victims in the aftermath of a sexual assault with the purpose of providing a coordinated response to sexual assault in our community.

The Office of Victim Services provides staff support and funding to a Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board (DVFRB). The purpose of the Board is to prevent domestic violence fatalities by improving the response of individuals, the community, and government agencies to domestic violence. Juvenile Justice Advisory Group (JJAG) advises the state juvenile agency, provides active consultation to the government and private agencies, and ensures the provision of comprehensive delinquency prevention programs that meet the needs of youth through the collaboration of many local systems with which a youth may interface.

The Language Access Program, instituted by the DC Office of Human Rights, is dedicated to removing language as a barrier to obtaining information and services from the District Government. residents, businesses, nonprofits, and religious institutions to install security cameras.

The Sexual Assault Victims’ Rights Act (SAVRAA) of 2014 established the creation of a SAVRAA Task Force to study nationally recognized best practices and develop recommendations.

Show Up, Stand Out (SUSO) is a community based truancy reduction program that helps parents get their children to school every day.

The Victim Assistance Network is a collaboration of victim service providers in the District of Columbia.