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Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants

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OVSJG Funding Sources

Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Program
The Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Program will provide funding to assist eligible states, local units of government, and tribes in preventing, preparing for, and responding to the coronavirus.
The Coverdell program awards grants to states and units of local government to help improve the quality and timeliness of forensic science and medical examiner services. Among other things, funds may be used to eliminate a backlog in the analysis of forensic evidence and to train and employ forensic laboratory personnel, as needed, to eliminate such a backlog.
The Crime Victim Assistance Grant Program seeks to improve the treatment of victims of crime by providing victims with the assistance and services necessary to speed their restoration after a violent criminal act, and to support and aid them as they move through the criminal justice process in the District of Columbia. Eligible applicants are nonprofit, community-based organizations located in the District of Columbia and/or District government agencies. 
JAG funds support all components of the criminal justice system from multijurisdictional drug and gang task forces to crime prevention and domestic violence programs, courts, corrections, treatment, and justice information sharing initiatives. Funding must fall within one of eight purpose areas:(1) law enforcement; (2) prosecution and courts; (3) crime prevention and education; (4) corrections and community corrections; (5) drug treatment and enforcement; (6) planning, evaluation, and technology Improvement; (7) crime victim and witness programs (other than compensation); and (8) mental health programs and services. 
The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was passed unanimously by both parties in Congress in 2003. The purpose of the act is to “provide for the analysis of the incidence and effects of prison rape in federal, state, and local institutions and to provide information, resources, recommendations and funding to protect individuals from prison rape.” (Prison Rape Elimination Act, 2003.) In addition to creating a mandate for significant research from the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the National Institute of Justice, PREA funding through the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the National Institute of Corrections has supported major efforts in many state correctional, juvenile detention, community corrections, lockups, and jail systems.
A multi-agency and collaborative crime prevention initiative established in 2001, led by the U.S. Department of Justice and administered by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. PSN aims to reduce gun violence through strategies rooted in enforcement, deterrence, and prevention using both an intelligence-led approach and by addressing violent crime at places through problem-solving. 
The Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners Program furthers the DC Department of Corrections mission by assisting state, local, and tribal efforts to break the cycle of drugs and violence by reducing the demand for, use, and trafficking of illegal drugs.
The goal of the STOP Program is to encourage a coordinated community response between members of law enforcement, prosecution, courts, and victim service agencies to address the issues of domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault and dating violence. Eligible applicants are community-based non-profit, victim service organizations within the District of Columbia and DC governmental agencies. 
Show Up, Stand Out (SUSO) is designed to reduce the rate of unexcused absences by eliminating barriers to school attendance. The SUSO program targets students with five to nine unexcused absences in order to address any practical, behavioral, financial and health challenges prior to Child and Family Services Agency and/or court involvement. Each participating school closely partners with a community-based organization with the capacity to provide fast-tracked wraparound services that quickly stabilizes the family in order to prevent any further absenteeism.

Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA)
Funds provided to help comply with requirements for the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act which is Title I of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-248). SORNA provides a comprehensive set of minimum standards for sex offender registration and notification in the United States.
This program supports state and local efforts in planning, establishing, operating, coordinating, and evaluating projects directly or through grants and contracts with public and private agencies for the development of more effective education, training, research, prevention, diversion, treatment, and rehabilitation programs in the area of juvenile delinquency and programs to improve the juvenile justice system. This program also focuses on the OJJDP Act Compliance and PREA compliance in juvenile facilities.
Local Appropriations
OVSJG awards grants from local funds to sustain and/or expand the provision of victim service, truancy reduction, juvenile justice, and reentry programs. Eligible applicants are non-profit, community-based organizations and/or District government agencies located in the District of Columbia that provide direct services to crime victims.