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Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants

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Victim Services Grant Programs and Initiatives

Victim Services Grant Programs and Initiatives
The Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants (OVSJG) is the state administering agency for grant programs administered by the US Department of Justice. OVSJG manages a portfolio of grants with annual funding levels that vary according to availability of funds allocated to states and programs. The Victim Services portfolio includes a number of federal formula grants and local grant funds that are primarily awarded for victim service programs.  
Funding is typically awarded for the grant year beginning October 1 and ending September 30, although unsolicited proposals are accepted and reviewed throughout the year. Requests for Applications of these programs are typically issued in April. Eligible applicants include nonprofit and government organizations. 
Crime Victim Assistance Grant Program (VOCA): The Crime Victim Assistance Grant Program seeks to improve the treatment of victims of crime by providing victims with the assistance and services necessary to speed their restoration after a violent criminal act, and to support and aid them as they move through the criminal justice process in the District of Columbia. Eligible applicants are nonprofit, community-based organizations located in the District of Columbia and/or District government agencies. Requests for Applications for these funds are typically announced in April. 
Current FY 2016 Organizations Funded
DC Volunteer Lawyers Project
Deaf Abused Women's Network
FAIR Fund Inc.
Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia
Network for Victim Recovery of DC
Safe Shores-The DC Children's Advocacy Center
Survivors and Advocates for Empowerment, Inc.
The Women's Center
Wendt Center for Loss and Healing
The Services*Training*Officers*Prosecution (S*T*O*P) Violence Against Women Formula Grant (VAWA): The goal of the S*T*O*P Program is to encourage a coordinated community response between members of law enforcement, prosecution, courts, and victim service agencies to address the issues of domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault and dating violence. Eligible applicants are community-based non-profit, victim service organizations within the District of Columbia and DC governmental agencies. Requests for Applications for these funds are typically announced in April. 
Current FY 2016 Organizations Funded
DC Forensic Nurse Examiners
DC Office of the Attorney General
Government of the District of Columbia/DC Courts
Metropolitan Police Department
The Office for Victims of Crime Vision 21 Initiative–(Victim Legal Network) provides funding for the creation and development of a holistic legal network for crime victims. The DC Victim Legal Network works to leverage the specialized knowledge and unite the resources of the District's legal community in order to ensure that crime victims are empowered and have all their legal needs addressed. Requests for Applications for these funds are typically announced in April. 
Current FY 2016 Organizations Funded
Amara Legal Center, Inc.
Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center
Break the Cycle
DC Volunteer Lawyers Project
Domestic Violence Legal Empowerment & Appeals Project
Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia
Network for Victim Recovery of DC
Justice Research and Statistics Association
LOCAL Appropriations (LOCAL): OVSJG awards grants from local funds to sustain and/or expand the provision of direct services to victims of violent crime.  Eligible applicants are non-profit, community-based organizations and/or District government agencies located in the District of Columbia that provide direct services to crime victims. Requests for Applications for these funds are typically announced in April. 
Current FY 2016 Organizations Funded
Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center
Asian/Pacific Islander Domestic Violence Resource Project
Break the Cycle
Central American Resource Center
Children's National Medical Center
DC Office of the Attorney General
DC Forensic Nurse Examiners
DC Rape Crisis Center
Department of Forensic Sciences
District Alliance for Safe Housing (DASH), Inc.
District of Columbia Coalition Against Domestic Violence
House of Ruth
La Clinica del Pueblo
MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Men Can Stop Rape
My Sister's Place, Inc.
Network for Victim Recovery of DC
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
Ramona's Way
Survivors and Advocates for Empowerment, Inc.
The DC Center for the LGBT Community
The Domestic Violence Legal Empowerment & Appeals Project (DV LEAP)
Whitman-Walker Health