JGA has expanded its focus on truancy prevention in the development of its FY 13 programming. Currently, JGA is engaged in several collaborative initiatives to support truancy efforts in the District. This includes participation in a process evaluation of the Case Management Partnership Initiative (CMPI) in partnership with DC Public Schools (DCPS), Interagency Truancy Task Force (ITTF) and the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) partners. This pilot project will inform the District on implications for continued implementation, expansion, and development of truancy-related programs and policies. Two high schools are participating in this project.
JGA will be seeking to support community-based organizations in FY13 that address risk and protective factors associated with chronic truancy. Title II, JAG and local funds will be used in FY 13 to implement strategies in the community to address truancy by creating service linkages for students and families. Based on availability of funds (3 years), JGA is committed to informing the District of successful programs targeted for younger youth who may be at-risk of getting involved in the juvenile justice system. Research has proven that one of the most critical issues in delinquency prevention is regular school attendance and that early intervention is the most effective way to solve the problem. Examples include program targeted to increase school attendance, academic achievement, and adult attachment through mentoring services.