Thursday, October 20, 2016
A new smartphone app has been released empower more middle school students to attend school on time and make every day count!
Created by the innovative Show Up, Stand Out program, with the help of DC students, the Show Up, Stand Out App combines positive reinforcement, healthy competition and fun, social gaming features, to encourage students to get to school. Top achievers will be recognized throughout the year with awards and prizes.
Show Up, Stand Out (SUSO) is a community based truancy reduction program that helps parents get their children to school every day. The program works with families to identify barriers to school attendance by providing support services that address the family needs to make sure their kids attend school regularly.
The Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants is a member of the Truancy Task Force, a partnership of diverse District of Columbia agencies and stakeholders that collectively advance and coordinate strategies to increase student attendance and reduce truancy. For more information, visit: